The organizer of the Festival appoints the jury members of whom one is the President of the jury (International Jury).

Duties of the Festival jury are:

To review all the works that entered the competition and to declare winners according to the propositions and expert estimates – presenting an expert commentary and a written decision signed by all members of the jury. The Festival jury decision shall be unanimous, or if otherwise, shall be brought by the majority. The decision of the jury cannot be appealed upon by the participants of the Festival.

The jury will get to see films previously selected by the festival team who has determined that the films have met the requirements of the festival. The jury will watch them and compile a list of films that are nominated for one of the awards. The films that are selected will be screened during the three-day festival.

H.G.J. (John) Driedonks

President of the Jury

John Driedonks is a professor emeritus of practice, and media strategist. He has been retired since January 2019. John is a guest lecturer “storytelling”, “converged newsrooms” and “crowdfunding” in Ireland, South Africa and in the Netherlands amongst others.

John Driedonks has created in 2010 the documentary making international course “CampusDoc”, together with his buddy and colleague Brian Maston, in cooperation with City University of New York (CUNY). During this twenty week crash course 20 students pitch, research, produce, crowdfund, film, edit and distribute their documentary concepts. Distribution starts after the premiere during CampusDoc (International) Film Festival CDFF.

As lecturer (2006-2018) at the School of Journalism,  Utrecht University of Applied Sciences UUAS (The Netherlands) Driedonks coordinated  a real-life converged newsroom with a focus on broadcasting TV talkshows, and web, all aired on the local TV station. Between 1982-2006 John was a journalist, finally as editor-in-chief of RTV Utrecht (radio-TV + web).

Jury members

Jury member

Jury member

Jury member

Jury member

Jury member

Jury member